Retired IPS Officer’s Son Ayan Jain Tops UPSC CSE 2023 Result With AIR 16
See the whole interview at link : https://youtu.be/DscRxhoW9mo?feature=shared
Ayan Jain Background :
Birth and domicile state: Ayan Jain, hailing from Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh was born in Jabalpur but completed his schooling from Delhi.
Family Background: Ayan’s father served as Director General Police Training(IPS) in Bhopal, MP.
Educational Background: He did his graduation from reputed IIT Delhi in Electrical Engineering.
Hobbies and Interests: Chess
Ayan Jain UPSC Preparation Journey
Despite the failure in his earlier attempts, he never lost his resolve and succeeded ultimately with All India Rank 16. He credited his parents, teachers and college seniors for his result, while revealing that he cleared the exam in his third attempt.
Medium of Exam: English
UPSC CSE Attempts: 3
Optional Subject : Mathematics
Service Preference : IAS, IFS
Cadre Preference : Zone 3 with MP, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Chhattisgarh
What was the motivating factor behind the IAS dream of Ayan Jain: Being an IITan, he has always wanted a job that is meant for helping society and working towards the most deprived and vulnerable sections.